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Regal Movie Theaters


Pre-purchase of discounted tickets is required.    Regal Premiere discount movie tickets may be redeemed online with the Regal App to reserve seats at theatres that feature reclining seats and reserved seating.  For how to do that, look here.



What you need to know:


  • TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE 24/7.   Premiere movie tickets can be used for any show time any day of the week. These tickets have no expiration.  Redeem for any one (1) movie tickets at any Regal, United Artists, or Edwards theatre nationwide.  Tickets may be printed or shown on your phone at the theatre for redemption.  HR or Benefits Reps, email us at [email protected] if you are seeking larger quantities as we may be able to provide better pricing and/or paper tickets.

  • IN-PERSON OR ONLINE REDEMPTION:  All tickets are redeemable online (so you can pre-select your movie & seats) for a convenience fee. You use the code printed on your tickets.

  • UPGRADE YOUR TICKETS:  For any premium presentation such as IMAX, large formats, and 3D. You just have to pay the difference (don't worry it's still a discount)  .    

  • We provide 2 different pricing levels on our e-tickets.  Those we generate directly at mBB (first option below) have no additional S & H fees or taxes and are approximately 75 cents less per ticket than those generated by our member partners but we are generally only available to generate tickets between the hours of 7 and 5 PM weekdays and morning on the weekends unless you contact us first by text at 585-713-3370, and if we're available, we'll create the tickets and email them to you.  The slightly more expensive tickets provided by our partners (the second option below) are available 24/7.


The less expensive option when available:  mBB generated e-Tickets available between 7 and 5 PM weekdays and weekends between 7 AM and noon.


(emailed to you for same day use)

Please see the options to the right and please text us before you purchase at 585-713-3370 so we may process your tickets quickly.  If we're not alerted, we may not process your order expediently.  If you forget and order first, that's fine, but just text us right away!

e Tickets - electronic tickets that are emailed to you upon completion of your transaction.  They may be printed or shown on your phone for admission.  These tickets are intended for use in NY, NJ, and CA - they carry no additional surcharge when redeemed.



e Tickets - electronic tickets that are emailed to you upon completion of your transaction.  These tickets are for use in all other states EXCEPT NY, NJ, and CA.  They will be assessed a surcharge of $1.50 if redeemed in NY, NJ, and CA.


$11.25 - no additional fees

These tickets are non-refundable and never expire.  

$10.25 - no additional fees

These tickets are non-refundable and never expire. 




Regal e-Tickets available 24 hours a day - most convenient, a bit more expensive



To order tickets after hours, click on the appropriate "eTicket" button below and you will be taken to our Member Services/Undercover Tourist website to purchase tickets which can be delivered to you via email immediately after you purchase.  Note that these tickets after taxes and fees are more expensive than those generated directly by my Better Benefits. 



High Market e Tickets - These tickets are intended for use in NY, NJ, and CA - they carry no additional surcharge when redeemed.



Premier e Tickets - These tickets are for use in all other states EXCEPT NY, NJ, and CA.  They will be assessed a surcharge of $1.50 if redeemed in NY, NJ, and CA.


$10 + tax & fees - typically about $12 per ticket.  $9 + tax & fees - typically about $11 per ticket. 




Using the Regal App, you can reserve your seats online ahead of time and skip the line!  This applies to both paper and e-tickets.  Note that Regal charges a small premium for reserving online (up to $2) and in our opinion you don't need to do this unless it is a spectacular opening weekend for a big movie.  Our advice is save the $ and redeem your tickets for seats at the theatre for no additional fee!  You can easily check online to see what seating is available for the movie time you wish to attend.  If there are plenty of seats, forego the fee.  Check the Regal app or for details and instructions on how to reserve seats online.  You can take the following steps to redeem your tickets through the Regal app.

  • First, you'll open the Regal app and select the movie you would like to see. You can click the orange "Buy Tickets" button to select your movie. Then you'll choose the date and time of the movie.

  • When you get to the step that has you select the quantity of tickets, in the app, the standard 2D adult ticket will automatically be selected.  Adjust the quantity to zero (the premier ticket will generate their own ticket at checkout).  You will see "Enter Promo Code" at the bottom of the screen. You'll tap that link and enter the 15-digit ticket number (with no spaces between numbers). Then click "Redeem." You'll know that the tickets were entered successfully because you will see a green banner that says "Success."

  • Once you have entered your ticket number successfully, you'll continue the process of purchasing your tickets. The next screen will have you select your seats (if applicable). You will then see your order, which currently is  $1.50+ per ticket convenience fee (always subject to change). Select "New payment method" and then "Add a new card" to complete your purchase. You should only get charged the convenience fee, unless you are seeing a movie with special features that may have a surcharge (i.e., 3D, IMAX, Dolby, etc).

  • Please note that if you purchased multiple tickets, each ticket will need to be redeemed individually.

Our take:  Unless you're going to see a big blockbuster on opening weekend, you more than likely do NOT need to spend the extra $2 and reserve seats.  You can always check seating availability for any movie online to see what seats are already reserved.  Our office staff has seen dozens of movies over the past year and never bothered to reserve a seat.  They've yet to be disappointed!



Regal Gift Cards

  • Purchase online and e-gift cards are sent to your email address or to the person you are gifting the purchase to.

  • Redeem at any Regal Cinemas, United Artists Theatres, or Edwards Theatres.

  • Good towards admission and concession purchases.

  • No expiration date or dormancy fees.

  • Available in denominations of $10, $20, $25, $50, and $100.








© COPYRIGHT 2002 - 2024, 2025 by

my Better Benefits

395 Garnsey Rd.

Pittsford, New York




mBB is overseen by an independently elected Board of Directors and is a 501 (c)3 charitable organization that gives back to organizations supporting children in the communities we operate within.

my Better Benefits uses cookies on this web site to give you the best, most relevant experience. They are stored locally on your computer or mobile device. To accept cookies, continue browsing as normal.

mBB may earn a commission when you use one of our coupons or links to make a purchase.  We do not promote any one vendor over another and our Board's policy is not to accept advertising but only promote offers to our members that provide some type of discount or added value to our membership regardless of whether or not they provide any financial payment to mBB.   Read more.

The team that helps oversee my Better Benefits includes Tami Mitchell, John Brian Mount, Darryl Robbins, Darla Fisk, and Marilyn Mitchell.